IAEG membership
Fig.1 shows the change of IAEG membership of each Region from 2008. Total
IAEG members are approximately 4,000 at present. The biggest region is
Europe, about 1,700 members at present, while have been gradually decreased
in recent ten years. On the other hand, Asia has been increasing, about
1,000 members at present. This rapid change is due to increase of the China
National group.
Fig. 2 shows the change of the IAEG membership of main National group from
2008. The biggest membership is the China National group, has been increased
up to 600 members. Germany is the biggest National group in Europe, over
500 members for a long time. Another big National group is New Zealand,
and still increasing near 400 members.


Paper of the IAEG Bulletin
Fig.3 shows the number of papers submitted to the IAEG Bulletin from 2012
to 2015.
The number of the papers submitted has rapidly increased in these 4 years
from 200 to about 600 in a year. And amazingly, 70 % of the papers have
been rejected.
The numbers of papers submitted from each country in 2015 and January to
June in 2016 are shown in the Fig. 4. The ratio of the numbers of accepted
papers are 13 % from China, 11 % from Iran and 23 % from Turkey respectively.
The numbers of the papers submitted from these three countries are approximately
400, almost 65 % of the total numbers.
Fig. 5 shows changes to the Impact Factor for the Bulletin from 2007 to
2015. The figure for 2015 is 1.252, considerably higher than for 2014 and
far and away the highest ever.



Fig. 6 shows the distribution of the numbers of the papers in the technical
fields, Bulletin in 2015 and 2016. Most popular fields are Soil or Rock
mechanism and Test. Another popular field is Landslide or Slope stability,
and Rock fall. It is considered that especially the latter technical fields
will be much important for worldwide Engineering Geology in these days.

Table 1 shows the history and places of the IAEG Congress and IAEG Council
meeting. In this table, IGC Congress is also described.
IAEG Council meeting were held in accordance with IGC Congress without
2008 and 2012.
History of the IAEG Regional Conference for Asia which started from Tokyo
in 1997 is described in right side of the table. This Conference has been
held on every 2 years in Asian countries.