Keynote Speakers and Invited Speakers
There are altogether 4 Topics, and 6Keynote speakers and 5 Invited speakers.
Topic 1. Landslides, Debris flows, and Rock mass collapse
Geohazards in Asian countries
Evaluation of Slope Hazards and Landslide-Triggering Factors in Korea
Recent catastrophic debris flows and risk assessment in China
Engineering Geological Issues after Gorkha Earthquake 2015 in Nepal - a preliminary understanding
Topic 2. Neotechtonics and Geohazards
Seismic and displacement hazard assessments on active faults in Japan
Georisks along active faults of Median Tectonic Line in Shikoku, Southwest Japan
Topic 3. Engineering Geology in Construction and Maintenance
A positive reinforcement method for rock slope
Natural damming in the India Himalaya and its Impact on Hydropower Development
High resolution satellite multi-temporal interferometry for detecting and monitoring landslide and subsidence hazards
Topic 4. New Technology
The Road from National LiDAR mapping program to Zonation of the Geohazards in Taiwan
Ferric oxyhydroxide in underground geological environments and high-level radioactive waste disposal: influence on siting and site characterization